
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

heya bobos!

merry merry chinese new year!!! :)

haha.. lotsa angbaos this year.. it's the peak of my angbao collecting career i think.. yup! but i can't touch a single cent because i dropped my phone into the pool and then i lost the 1GB memory card. dang. SO. because i lost those puny cards, i lost a million contacts and pictures and memories.. :( WE MUST TAKE MORE PICTURES! (especially people in 4E1 cos i'll miss you guys!)

i think i have new muscles from starting the fire at the pool party.. haha... hanis, you will now be a tekko with muscles! :) yay! and i shall be a kuda with really small muscles.. i think this year can pass the inclined pullups la huh?

hmm... we had a 5hour long buffet today. damn. i think i put on weight. so sad huh? yup! never mind.. the treadmill was bought for a reason.

okay, as for the over pinkiness of my blog, i aplogize. i just picked whatever and it turned out this colour so.. aiya, whatever la.. i'm too lazy to go fix up a tagboard and links and other bloggable stuff like that, so when i'm done tackling the common tests and homework, i will. meanwhile, say what you want to on these comment thingamajigs okay?

oh and, give me your numbers again okay? (when the phone is all fixed up, that is.)

what's with the cold shoulder, buttface?


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