
Thursday, January 18, 2007

:) i decided to be happy today and post a happy post. haha. i realised that nowadays my words ain't exactly all sunshine and daffodils.

firstly, AUNTY CORAL LOKE! i'm so sorry i broke my promise and i gossiped. ): but i'm still trying real hard to stop that inecessant blabberings coming outta my mouth. sorry!

can you believe it? i actually learned new words from that pantat... hahahaha! it's quite hilarious. i'm not saying that my english is perfect and i know all the words in the dictionary but... FADHLI? that's ridiculous. oh, and that buttface is actually reading John Grisham. haha.. mrs lee, nis and i were like, WHAT??

anyway, life has perked up for me over the last 24 hours. most of my dramas have been settled, i'm going for piano today (yay! after 2months! haha..), i do not have much homework, yesterday wasn't tremendously murderous, i don't have to stress over Pitch anymore(i got kicked? did i mention?) and although my test results so far have not been good or what, but at least i know that in all my tests, i made an effort to study. so yes, i'm validated. (:

i was talking to HER yesterday and i was so freaked at first. then two and a half hours later, i emerged from the room and baby was the sweetest things since cotton candy cos he gave me this lame piece of paper which was marginally deocrated but was so encouraging. it's really surprising coming from a guy (especially baby. heh.) but it was so so cute la! thanks sweetheart, you made my day.. i love you like cookie monster loves his cookies.. you are a neccesity in my life. thank you! (:

so now i got a couple of stuff to settle, a little little bit of homework to do, a book to read and a saturday morning to tan! (: i miss the sun. so i'm gonna go tanning at the pool on saturday so i get some alone-time to myself, then i'm gonna roll down to church to pray with my (get this) 10 cell kids. TEN! T-E-N. (: it's a miracle.

it's amazing how although i have such little freedom, i have so little time to myself. that's why i turned down the invitation to NP's openhouse so i can stay home and tan and enjoy me by myself. (: cool huh? how many people get to do that?

so anyways, we had PCCG today and we, the sec 4 PSLs were allowed to crash their party on the count of "coaching". haha... NOT! but it was so fun la. i miss interacting with the sec1s at such close proximity. i thought last year was my very last time, but no way, i get them this year too! i got 1/4 and they are seriously noisy. hanan was uber cute, the leader of the sec3 PSLs.. then there was sok yee, the sweet one. and jonathan, the funny guy. and shikin, the gungho-bring-it-on mamasan. i was in their class with ilyaas. so uber funny la. we played whacko and they were all like, "the blue shirt one! hit the blue shirt girl!" and then i got hit alot alot of times. dang. PSL shirts bring a whole lot of disaster.

so anyway. school was a blast although i was uberly lethargic. TYK was as hilarious as ever. "class, today we will do loci (pronounced: low-sye)" oh goodness! her english is baddy bad bad la! it's low-kai, not low-sye. oh my. so so funny. then she asked those who didn't bring their maths sets to stand. and only fad, nis, me, fiona, and daniel remained seated. hahaha... so much for best class eh? their "punishment" was to behave like compasses. (: so we had like, 21 people spinning around in the classroom. thank God there were no on-lookers.. sigh... 4e1. I LOVE YOU FREAKS! well, mostly.

alrighties... piano time! choodles!

"heaven is a wonderful place... filled with mercy and grace... lalalalalalala LA! heaven is a wonderful place!!!"


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