
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

i'm so frustrated. now you won't even let me go for an orientation camp? brilliant. my last year in BV and you have to go ahead and ruin it. my most memorable year (hey, im turning 16 aren't i?) and you gotta break it down into nothing but shit. i had a fun day out, i get home and i get crap from you. give me one good reason to come home. give me one good reason to be happy and love my life. give me one freaking good reason. i'm on the verge of vulgarities here, so God help me. but i don't know how much more of this i can take anymore. everyone is giving me shit. damn it.

see Lord? i told You i need Your help. oh goodness.

Lord, i'm gonna trust and believe that this saturday you're gonna blow my mind away during service. maybe that's why you made them say no, but whatever it is, i trust that you have a higher calling, a greater plan for me. yeah.

2007 is when i'm gonna get right with God. really. no more gossiping, no more slacking around, no more playing and joking. yeah, i'm serious. 2007. it doesn't matter if people laugh and call me names, or if i lose my friends for this. but i'm for real this time. everyone reading this, you're my witnesses. so kill meif i break this. stop me if i start gossiping. :) thanks

gaisu, i still smell of your CK lime. its actually quite nice la. i just don't wanna go round smelling like a guy.

boring getting-to-know-you sessions with tan yee kim tomorrow. darn. and all my recess buddies are off at camp. die la. i need friends!


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