
Sunday, December 10, 2006

i'm so stuck in this concrete jungle la. call it culture shock if you will. almost 8 days in the wilderness and someone smacks me back in Singapore with the couch the laptop and teevo... whooboy, cheap thrills.

life has been swell.. i won't say much about any of the camps.. i've said so much before and i'm too darned lazy to repeat myself.. :)

SERENE thanks babe.. you impacted my life in your sweet ways.. i'm glad i was able to play a part in it all, and just as God gave me the opportunity to help you, He gave you the opportunity to help me. through you, He reminded me of why i even became a leader in the first place. it was a great encouragement... hunnie, i'm expecting so much more from you so you don't let me down okay? blow my mind (or whatever's left of it) away! i love you!!

i need shopping. oh dang. i gotta start doing the homework though. HANIS hey loveboat, i just realised that friday's your anniversary and anyways, i'm not allowed. :( sorry to let you down yet again.. have fun with lina or hadi though.. update me on your life okay? i miss you!!

i don't really know what's wrong with me lately. i'm not in "emo" state cos i'm not depressed or anything. but life lately has been.. like that. when everything should be pumped up and psyched, i'm flapping in the wind made by the rushing crowd, left behind. i've got my girlfriends, yeah, i do, but still. i feel so, alone? and weirder still... i like it. loner-dom, i call it. it's getting to my head.

tomorrow.. marine parade library to do the homework.. can't stay at home.. i'll die.. coffee and textbooks with me, anyone?

choodles.. i need foolscap paper.. haha.. and gao zhi also.. oh God. i feel 2007 on my back already.. O levels.. here i come!

i'm fine. sure, i'm fine, thank you very much, you hypocrite. if you don't really care about me, don't try to make things okay by meaningless words when you shoved a whole bucket of attitude in my face. at the very least apologize. oh wait, i forgot. you're some male chauvinist who believes that apologizing would cause your ego to be diminutive. w-ell... i could've known.

puppy! you told the whole world for what? i thought i could trust you. guess not. you're just like korkor. wahlaueh. i'm a tad disappointed. :(

darly, thanks for caring and being so sensitive.. i miss you loads.. we go out soon can? and where's your mad friend, kelvin? has he forgotten me and you already?? i love darly!! oh yeah, what's the address for the forum thingo huh?

isaac bumby, i don't have your e-mail address anymore.. remind me okay?


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