
Monday, December 11, 2006

Did You rise the sun for me?
Or paint a million stars that I might
Know Your majesty?
Is Your voice upon the wind?
Is everything I've known marked
With my maker's fingerprints?

Breathe on me
Let me see Your face
Ever I will seek You
'Cause all You are, is all I want, always
Draw me close in Your arms
Oh God, I wanna be with You

Can I feel You in the rain?
Abandon all I am to have You
Capture me again
Let the earth resound with praise
Can You hear as all creation lives
To glorify one name?

I miss this song. And Lord, You’ve done so much for me, but why am I still such a dumb block of wood not to realize it and to give You all the praise and whatnots that You deserve? There’s so much that I know (what to do? Second generation mah..) but so much I don’t put to action. If only I could start all over. Lay down all my responsibilities and start over on a clean slate. Forget the piano and my discouragement about it. Forget my cell and my love for them. Forget Ephimerida and the memories they hold. Forget all and just be Mary and not Martha. Oh how I wish. How I long for that intimacy with You again. Lord, is it too late?

I’ve been uber frustrated lately. I don’t wanna hang out with people, don’t wanna talk, don’t wanna go out, don’t wanna do anything. Oh gosh. What’s wrong with me? I hate this feeling. Really. Yawp. I think I’m schizophrenic. Sometimes I’m all hyper, and then sometimes I’m all moody and sometimes I’m hyper but I wanna be alone and some people mistake that for emo-ness. But, oh come on.

Oh dang

I’m starting to speak incoherently. Choodles.

116 pounds. Oh man. That’s about 13 pounds too much. Aaaaaaarrrggghhh. FatMart indeed.


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