
Sunday, December 31, 2006

parents are the weirdest things in history. really.

so are boys. yup.

Lord, i don't know what's going on in my very screwed up life right now. but Lord, You said that all things work together for the good of those who love You and are called according to Your will. so Lord, i'm placing this in Your hands. i'm gonna believe that no matter how things turn out, it's all part of Your plan for the good of me. i've run out of tears to cry, run out of heart-space to be hurt anymore, run out of time to wait, run out of love to give, so Lord, i need Your love. i need You to clear up the bits and pieces and to put a new heart in me, i need You to give me time. in You, Lord, i believe. family, that's in Your hands. every other emotion or feeling i have inside me, it's Yours as well. teach me Lord, to not pick up my baggage again. teach me to give it to You wholly. 2007, scary as it is, it's in Your hands. i love You, Lord. kisses! in Jesus' name i pray, amen.

mmm. yeah. i'm quite confused now. life is very confusing. i don't know why i have to go ahead and complicate my actually simple life, but. well. carnal nature i suppose. just totally natural for us to go whack our own lives and leave ourselves lost and hopeless. ah well.

2007. i'm not ready for you yet. but since no matter what happens, you're gonna come anyways, i suppose i'd better pray real hard and brace myself. boy, am i in for a ride.

Lord, help me get through this year and i promise, promise, promise that next year i'll testify. i promise.

gaisu and yingchuan, thanks for being there to protect me and comfort me and give me hugs when i really needed people i loved to be around. you'll never understand how bad it hurt, but thanks for trying anyway. i love you both so much.. hugs!

ness, please please keep it a secret. really. i can't afford to lose another guy friend to stupid things like "love". i'm 3 years too young for this. you too joel chew and nicky and lukie ang. and gaisu. and emmanuel. oh please.... shh... (: private k? our clique only.

crushed. i am well and truly crushed. in more ways than one.


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